Monday, September 19, 2011

Moonblush tomatoes - the easiest thing on planet earth

Sunblush cheery cherry tomatoes - it's like eating vitamins!
I read about this on a few websites and decided to try it today. It is the easiest thing on planet earth to cook in an oven. Preheat oven to 220C, cut tomatoes, sprinkle sea salt, olive oil, dried thyme, and then... turn off the oven and go to bed, leave them in there all night and they're ready when you wake up. Moonblush.

I tried it in the day, so this is my Sunblush tomatoes. I left them alone for about 6 hours. Here are more pictures just to play with my camera a little bit more. 

Placed face up on aluminium foil with extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, dried thyme. Some people add sugar but I like to taste food for its natural sweetness.
I like this angle to show the thyme.
World's easiest salad. And you save on your electricity bill too.
I did sprinkle some freshly ground black pepper for added taste.

Why wouldn't anyone try this?


  1. looks so easy. have u tried using other herbs in place of thyme?

    ~ CK

  2. Hi CK, yes, you can try it with parsley too, or as the song goes, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme... Try it and tell me!


Tell me what you think. I want to know.