Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Labane plus plus

I talked about Labane in my last post. Look here what I'm adding to it.

Chilli, garlic, dill, parsley soaked in olive oil....
....then add my Labane to them. Great dip and can keep for 3 weeks.
Whole, healthy, home-made, unprocessed, REAL food.
Didn't cost me a bomb either.


  1. wow! It looks like extreme yogurt ;-)
    Tried your rosemary water, but my guests prefer the jug with lemon slices...

  2. Since this is a dip, do you eat the Labane inside?

    ~ CK

  3. Hi CK, good question! What I did last night was just spread the cheese already mixed with herb on pita bread. The other pieces - garlic, chilli - are too chunky and I left them there to soak for enhanced taste. Knowing you to be a garlic lover, you could chop them into bits and scoop them up with the mixed cheese. Technically, everything is edible, so, anything goes, really. Take pix and post on my FB page if you're trying this - www.facebook.com/extravirginchef
    I really want to see how other labanes look like.


Tell me what you think. I want to know.